Twilight Walkthrough


I.á Introduction


ááááááááááá This document is intended as a helper for when players get stuck or frustrated.á The order of this document is not the only or even necessarily the best order in which to complete all of the quests and tasks posed in Twilight.á In fact, you can get different results (not good or bad, just different or possible new) from doing things in a different order.á Instead of a blow by blow account for each area, I will only highlight items of importance, obscurity, and strategy.


II. Walkthrough


ááááááááááá DM Realm:

Knightmayor gives you the Book of Nocturne.á Read this completely.á It has a lot of useful information on Twilight.


ááááááááááá Paladin Temple: Part 1

Speak with Zachard to get rules for 1st Time Trial, the Bonecrusher, and the Devil Cleaver.á If you find the Trials too challenging, reference the ReadMe for instructions on how to give yourself additional time.á Speak with Trinah to learn of her services and tithing.


ááááááááááá Time Trial:

There is no guaranteed solution.á The room randomly places keys every time you enter the room. Concentrate on the gates first.á Getting the first gate open on average takes the most time.á Pick up all keys along the way.á Kill enemies as you come across them.á Common mistakes: gathering all possible keys before trying any gates, killing all enemies before trying gates.á One of the first four keys will open one and only one of the four gates.á From there, the next three chests will have keys to one of the other gates.á The fourth and final chest will have the Orb of Light.á


ááááááááááá Paladin Temple: Part 2

ááááááááááááááááááááááá ááááááááááá Give Orb of Light to Zachard and learn the rules of the Grand Time Trial.


ááááááááááá Grand Time Trial:

This trial has very little room for error, so the proper strategy is important.á First go to the center of the area and retrieve the four stones from four of the pedestals.á Second concentrate on getting to the four pedestals in the four corners of the areas by circling the area once (ex: from the center go back towards the entrance, try the north gate, try the south gate, circle around the center ring and repeat).á The fact that the gates to the corner rooms are randomly locked is of no real consequence since you will have to walk the entire area to kill all enemies.á It is important that you are careful to be sure that you kill everything as you circle since it will likely take too long to search for stragglers if you are not thorough. Finally, once all of the stones are in their proper place, you can use the four switches on the center ring.á Watch the color of the lights carefully.á The blue lights look a lot like the white.


ááááááááááá Paladin Temple: Part 3

ááááááááááá Give Orb of Light to Zachard.á You lose the mace and axe, but gain the Blade of áLight.á If you pay all your tithes before leaving the Temple you should be up to level 3.


ááááááááááá Mooncrest: Part 1

ááááááááááá Play Hide and Seek with the boys at the fountain.á Completing the game will trigger Drudoc to come screaming down the street for you.á Follow him to his home.


ááááááááááá DrudocÆs Estate: Part 1

Drudoc double crosses you and you meet Pirotase, your squire to be.á The two keys required to open the door Drudoc escapes through are in the desk (with mini-cut scene) in the library on the northern part of the area and in a chest in the bedroom on the far eastern side of the area.á The gong and braziers puzzle is completely random every game.á You will simply have to keep banging away until you locate the right combination.á Do not worry about damaging the gong.á It will never break. In the store room behind the double locked door, you will locate the very useful Fawn Ring.


ááááááááááá Subterranean Burial Ground:

In the northern part of the area, there is a passage that is blocked by glowing red boulders.á Use Turn Undead and they will explode (you should learn about this trick in the Grand Crypt).á In a chamber behind the blockage, there is a coffin with the Helm of the Angelic Voice.á In the center of the map, there are two locked areas with Lesser Mummies.á One of these rooms has a coffin with a MummyÆs Tooth for PirotaseÆs Coffin Nail arrows.


ááááááááááá Grand Crypt:

Use Turn Undead on the Coffin and it will explode.á Inside there is the Shield of the Radiant Sun.á Opening the next door will set off the ôzombie roomö.á The only way to get into the last room is to destroy all of the zombies.á Complete the short dialog with Drudoc then kill him.á Pick up the NecromancerÆs Key (Destroyed Objects of Evil quest) and his Back Room Key.á This triggers another conversation with Pirotase.á Use Turn Undead on the altar and find 300 gold.


ááááááááááá Graveyard:

ááááááááááááááááááááááá ááááááááááá Nothing of consequence.


ááááááááááá Road from Mooncrest: Part 1

ááááááááááááááááááááááá ááááááááááá Speak to the Woodsman.á Follow him into his home


ááááááááááá WoodsmanÆs Home:

Two different cut scenes.á The first entails one of PirotaseÆs ôburglariesö, the other is getting the Ironwood for PirotaseÆs Thunderclap arrows.


ááááááááááá Road from Mooncrest, Mooncrest:

ááááááááááááááááááááááá ááááááááááá Nothing of consequence.


ááááááááááá DrudocÆs Estate: Part 2

Use DrudocÆs key to open the door in the entrance room.á Inside there is an urn with Dove Feathers.á This is needed for PirotaseÆs Spirit Bomb arrows.á Use the key again to gain access to DrudocÆs private library.á Use the sparkling bookcase.


ááááááááááá Mooncrest:

ááááááááááááááááááááááá ááááááááááá Nothing of consequence.



ááááááááááá OrionÆs Belt: Part 1

Speak to the Weapon Shoppe Owner (WeaponsmithÆs Collection quest), the Armor Shoppe Owner (Tulip Chalice quest)á and the General Store Owner (purchase PirotaseÆs belt).


ááááááááááá Paladin Temple: Part 4

Introduce your squire candidate, Pirotase to Zachard.á Show DrudocÆs Journal to Zachard.á Have Trinah destroy the NecromancerÆs Key.


ááááááááááá The Dark Room:

Read the manual on the hand altar.á It should have all the necessary info for this area.


ááááááááááá The (dreaded) Light Room:

Read the manual on the hand altar.á For a solution to this puzzle, look at the Spoilers section at the bottom of this document.


ááááááááááá Paladin Temple: Part 5

Speak to Zachard.á Speak to Trinah.á Ask her for the Holy Water that Pirotase needs for her Coffin Nails arrows.


ááááááááááá Mooncrest: Part 2

ááááááááááááááááááááááá ááááááááááá Play with the boys again.á Upon completion Pirotase will meet Elissa.


ááááááááááá Paladin Barracks: Part 1

ááááááááááááááááááááááá ááááááááááá Speak with the Master Trainer to play out cutscene.


ááááááááááá Paladin Barracks Second Floor: Part 1

Speak with Gloirin.á After you get your new room, get the Armor of the Guiding Light from chest.á Pirotase will eventually knock no your door and a cut scene will play out.


ááááááááááá Paladin Barracks, Mooncrest:

ááááááááááááááááááááááá ááááááááááá Nothing of consequence.


ááááááááááá DragonweaverÆs Tower: Part 1

ááááááááááááááááááááááá ááááááááááá Speak with Golem.á Let cut scene play out.á Speak with the Dragonweaver.


ááááááááááá DragonweaverÆs Pocket Dimension:

Get the two weapons from the northwest and southeast chests.á The northeast chest has a Lesser Vrock nearby.á Upon its death Pirotase should start a mini-cut scene so that she can get the Demon Heart for her Spirit Bomb arrows.á Behind all three chests there is a red glowing statue.á Use Turn Undead to destroy all three and a portal to the secret area will form.á Use the statue and Pirotase will get the SniperÆs Touch gloves.á Hint: áEndure Elements is very useful here.


ááááááááááá DragonweaverÆs Tower: Part 2

Speak to the Golem.á Speak to Dragonweaver.á Shut off the Ylaem Machine to get the DragonweaverÆs Charm.á There is a pattern to the machine, but most players eventually solve it by trial and error.


ááááááááááá Mooncrest:

ááááááááááááááááááááááá ááááááááááá Nothing of consequence.


ááááááááááá Randriston KlennesetÆs Estate:

Speak with servant.á Run through Pirotase ôburglaryö cut scene.á Speak with Randriston and get his Keystone.


ááááááááááá Mooncrest: Part 3

Play with the boys a final time.á You will receive the Thunderbird Feathers for PirotaseÆs Thunderclap arrows.á Second Elissa/Pirotase conversation.


ááááááááááá DragonweaverÆs Tower: Part 3

ááááááááááááááááááááááá ááááááááááá Have the Dragonweaver enchant the Keystone.


ááááááááááá Mooncrest, Road from Mooncrest:

ááááááááááááááááááááááá ááááááááááá Nothing of consequence.


ááááááááááá Graveyard: Part 1

Wander around the Graveyard until you begin to glow blue.á Use the Keystone.


ááááááááááá Undead Dimension: The Eternal Cemetery: Part 1

Pirotase has a short monolog (to give time to setup the area).á The southwestern corner of the area has a small shrine.á Use the altar.á Gather áá the five skulls.á Skull #1: Pedestal in the center of the area.


ááááááááááá Cave of Shadows:

Killing the Cave Shadows will only cause them to respawn.á Bash all four Fire Pits (Power Attack is very useful here).á This will summon the Master Cave Shadow.á He has Skull #2.


ááááááááááá Shallow Grave:

The entrance to this area is a headstone shrouded in blue light in a hollowed out tree trunk.á Get the WarriorÆs Key and Skull #3 from the Sarcophagus.á Kill the Warrior to exit the area.


ááááááááááá Crypt of Skulls:

ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá The sarcophagus has Skull #4 (Endure Elements is useful here).á


The Vault:á Part 1

Kill the Keeper.á He has the KeeperÆs Mallet (WeaponsmithÆs Collection quest), Skull #5 and the KeeperÆs Key.á Use the KeeperÆs and WarriorÆs Keys.


ááááááááááá Undead Dimension: The Eternal Cemetery: Part 2

Throw all five Skulls into the five Fire Cauldrons.á The portal to the KingÆs Burial Ground will appear to the southwest.


ááááááááááá KingÆs Burial Ground:

Pull the chain to start things rolling.á Pirotase will get the KingÆs Key once all enemies are dead.á To ôfinish offö King Beld, use Turn Undead after he begins to glow red.á This will allow Pirotase to get King BeldÆs Coronet.á


ááááááááááá Undead Dimension: The Eternal Cemetery: Part 3

All of the Undead have risen.á You only have three hours to ôfinish upö and exit the dimension.á You will need to use the ôcome hereö shout often to force Pirotase to keep up with out.á There is not enough time to kill all the undead and escape.


ááááááááááá The Vault:á Part 2

Use the KingÆs Key and you will be able to get to the Armor of the Guiding Light +1.


ááááááááááá Graveyard: Part 2

ááááááááááááááááááááááá ááááááááááá Speak to the Paladin patrolling the area.


ááááááááááá Road from Mooncrest: Part 2

Speak to the Paladin guarding the entrance to the Graveyard.á Let the final Elissa cut scene play out.


ááááááááááá Mooncrest: OrionÆs Belt: Part 2

ááááááááááááááááááááááá ááááááááááá Sell KeeperÆs Mallet to Weapon Shoppe Owner.


ááááááááááá Road from Mooncrest:

ááááááááááááááááááááááá ááááááááááá Nothing of consequence.


ááááááááááá Nocturne Wilderness: Part 1

Let Pirotase ôassassinateö Corrupted Goblins.á Use boulders and they will explode.


Caves of the Corrupted:

Use glowing stones in the southwestern corner of the area so that Pirotase can get the Glowing Quartz for her Thunderclap arrows.


ááááááááááá Lower Caves:

Get Keystone and Crystal Shard (Destroyed Objects of Evil quest) from the altar.


ááááááááááá Caves of the Corrupted, Nocturne Wilderness, Road from Wilderness, Mooncrest:

ááááááááááááááááááááááá ááááááááááá Nothing of consequence.


ááááááááááá Paladin Temple: Part 6

ááááááááááááááááááááááá ááááááááááá Have Trinah destroy the Crystal Shard.


ááááááááááá DragonweaverÆs Tower: Part 4

ááááááááááááááááááááááá ááááááááááá Have the Dragonweaver enchant the Keystone.


ááááááááááá Mooncrest, Road from Mooncrest:

ááááááááááááááááááááááá ááááááááááá Nothing of consequence.


ááááááááááá Nocturne Wilderness: Part 2

Wander around the wilderness until you begin to glow blue.á Use the Keystone.


ááááááááááá Demonic Dimension: Hell of Lesser Evils:

There are two Ashwood trees where Pirotase can collect Ashwood for her Spirit Bomb arrows. ôVisitö all seven Cave or Tent Homes. (Randomly) one will have an Arch-Sorceress Pan Demon who has the Pan Temple Key.á All seven Homes have a campfire with a piece of Coal.


ááááááááááá Pan Temple:

Place three pieces of Coal on both Charred Pedestals to open the two side gates.á Inside the two chests are the Templar Gauntlets and the PanÆs Heart amulet for Pirotase.á Kill the God of the Pan then use the altar.


ááááááááááá Demonic Dimension: Hell of Lesser Evils, Nocturne Wilderness, Road from Mooncrest, Mooncrest:

ááááááááááááááááááááááá ááááááááááá Nothing of consequence.


ááááááááááá Waning Gibbous:

ááááááááááááááááááááááá ááááááááááá Speak to one of the Drunk Patron (PirotaseÆs Quest).


ááááááááááá Mooncrest, Mooncrest Slums:

ááááááááááááááááááááááá ááááááááááá Nothing of consequence.


ááááááááááá Polaris Tavern:

ááááááááááááááááááááááá ááááááááááá Speak to the Barkeep.á Speak to one of the Load Patron to start the bar fight.


ááááááááááá Mooncrest Slums, Mooncrest:

ááááááááááááááááááááááá ááááááááááá Nothing of consequence.


ááááááááááá OrionÆs Belt: áPart 3

Buy a 0 armor value article of clothing.á If you have the 7th Coal, speak to the Alchemist.


ááááááááááá Mooncrest:

ááááááááááááááááááááááá ááááááááááá Nothing of consequence.


ááááááááááá Mooncrest Slums: Part 1

ááááááááááááááááááááááá ááááááááááá Open Ursa Minor door and speak to doorman.


ááááááááááá Ursa Minor:

ááááááááááááááááááááááá ááááááááááá Speak to Card Shark and play out his mini-cut scene.á Speak to Barkeep.


ááááááááááá OrsonÆs Back Room:

ááááááááááááááááááááááá ááááááááááá Let mini-cut scene and combat play out.


ááááááááááá Mooncrest Sewers:

Let cut scene play out.á Walk Pirotase over to the northwestern corner of the large room so that she can detect the secret door to the ThievesÆ Den.


ááááááááááá ThievesÆ Den:

Have Pirotase open the chest in the western room of the area and get the key to the store room.á Get the Tulip Chalice and the Cloud Clan Slippers from the store room.á Speak with Pirotase after exiting the store room.á She will have located a Cloak of Concealment.


ááááááááááá Mooncrest Sewers:

ááááááááááááááááááááááá ááááááááááá Nothing of consequence.


ááááááááááá OrsonÆs Office: Part 1

Kill Orson and get his great sword, Life Blood (WeaponsmithÆs Collection quest).á Go to his desk to finish (temporarily) PirotaseÆs Quest and get the key to the chest with the Keystone.á Have Pirotase open the other chest to get the DuelistÆs Grieves.


ááááááááááá Graveyard, Road from Mooncrest, Mooncrest:

ááááááááááááááááááááááá ááááááááááá Nothing of consequence.


ááááááááááá OrionÆs Belt: Part 4

Sell Life Blood to Weapon Shoppe Owner. áReturn the Tulip Chalice to the Armor Shoppe Owner and get the Ring of Influence.á If you have enough gold, buy Pirotase the Coil of the Wyrm from the General Store.


ááááááááááá DragonweaverÆs Tower: Part 4

ááááááááááááááááááááááá ááááááááááá Have the Dragonweaver enchant the Keystone.


ááááááááááá Mooncrest Slums: Part 2

Go door to door until you begin to glow blue.á This will show the entrance to the correct Slums Home.


ááááááááááá Slums Home:

ááááááááááááááááááááááá ááááááááááá Let cut scene play out.


ááááááááááá Abandoned Temple:

ááááááááááááááááááááááá ááááááááááá Approach center of room until you begin to glow blue.á Use Keystone.


ááááááááááá Demonic Dimension: The Great Web:

ááááááááááááááááááááááá ááááááááááá Fight your way to the tower near the center.


ááááááááááá LairiaÆs Tower: First Floor:

ááááááááááááááááááááááá ááááááááááá Kill enemies.


ááááááááááá LairiaÆs Tower: Second Floor:

Get the key to LairiaÆs Temple from chest.á Solve Gargoyle Eyes puzzle to get Dark Silk.á Help for this puzzle is listed in the Spoilers section.


ááááááááááá LairiaÆs Temple:

Use Spider Statue.á Drink Sacramental Blood Wine to enable the special sight to see the hidden cocoons in the side chambers.á There is help on locating the four cocoons in the Spoilers section.á Place all eight eyes into the Spider Statue and a mini-cut scene will precede the battle with Lairia.á There is a 5th cocoon in this chamber which hides the Spider bow for Pirotase.á Collect the Artifact of the Ascension.á Use the Keystone to open a portal back to the DragonweaverÆs Tower.


ááááááááááá DragonweaverÆs Tower: Part 5

ááááááááááááááááááááááá ááááááááááá Speak to the Dragonweaver.


ááááááááááá Paladin Temple: Part 7

ááááááááááááááááááááááá ááááááááááá Speak with Zachard.á He trades your Blade of Light for the Guiding Light.


ááááááááááá Paladin Barracks: Part 2

ááááááááááááááááááááááá ááááááááááá Brash squire is now struggling with a bow.


ááááááááááá Paladin Barracks: Second Floor: Part 2

ááááááááááááááááááááááá ááááááááááá Go into your room and Pirotase will initiate a cut scene.


ááááááááááá Dreamscape:

ááááááááááááááááááááááá ááááááááááá Let cut scene play out.


ááááááááááá Paladin Barracks: Second Floor: Part 3

ááááááááááááááááááááááá ááááááááááá Conversation with Pirotase.


ááááááááááá Paladin Barracks, Mooncrest, Road from Mooncrest, Graveyard:

ááááááááááááááááááááááá ááááááááááá Nothing of consequence.


ááááááááááá OrsonÆs Office: Part 2

Use portal to the Dimensional Checkpoints. Be sure to be fully stocked up and up to date on all possible quests.á There is no turning back now.


ááááááááááá Three Dimensional Checkpoints:

Kill all enemies then use the portal to the next area.á Be aware that the three checkpoints are related to the three dimensions you previously visited.


ááááááááááá AshramÆs Sanctuary:

ááááááááááááááááááááááá ááááááááááá Kill everything.


ááááááááááá Paladin Temple: Part 8

Let cut scene play out.á It is important to have Midnight (either the placeholder or the real version) in your NWN\modules directory with Twilight, or you will crash instead of transitioning to Midnight.á You must transition cleanly so that you can save your character with the Data Bits for future use.


ááááááááááá Midnight placeholer:

ááááááááááááááááááááááá ááááááááááá Quick recap of your progress.

ááááááááááá ááááááááááá



III. Spoilers and Item locations


ááááááááááá Light Room Solution:

While there is more than one solution, this is the one I had in mind when I created the puzzle.á I do believe that players may have come up with and posted more simple solutions:


Piro: N, E, E, N, W, N, N, E, N, W, W, N

PC: N, W, W, N, E, E, N, W, E, N, W, W, N, E, E, N


ááááááááááá Gargoyle Eyes Help:

The objective is to get each of the same color pair of eyes into the correct statue.á The correct statue is determined by the color of the light shining on each statue.á The Color of the light must match the color of both eyes on all four statues to complete the puzzle.


ááááááááááá Blood Wine Help:

Each of the four cocoons with the Spider Eyes are located against the wall in the four side chambers.á The cocoon in the northwest chamber is near the northeast corner; the cocoon in the northeast chamber is near the middle of the east wall; the cocoon in the southwest chamber is near the northwest corner; the cocoon in the southeast chamber is near the southwest corner.


ááááááááááá Unique Item Locations:


ááááááááááááááááááááááá Paladin:

Bone Crusher (mace) and Devil Cleaver (axe):

ááááááááááá Given to you be Zachard before the first Time Trial.


Blade of Light:

ááááááááááá Given to you be Zachard after the Grande Time trial.


Fawn Ring:

ááááááááááá Store Room in DrudocÆs Estate.


Helm of the Angelic Voice:

Sarcophagus in a Chamber in the Subterranean Burial Ground behind the red glowing boulders


Shield of the Radiant Sun:

ááááááááááá Using Turn Undead on the sarcophagus in the Grand Crypt.


Armor of the Guiding Light:

ááááááááááá The chest in your room in the Paladin Barracks.


The Redemption (amulet):

ááááááááááá From Trinah after completing the Paladin Initiation


The Sun (mace) and Demon Shriek (axe):

ááááááááááá In the northwest and southeast chests in the DragonweaverÆs Pocket Dimension.


Armor of the Guiding Light +1:

The Vault in the Eternal Cemetery.á Collect and use the KeeperÆs, the WarriorÆs and the KingÆs Keys.


Templar Gauntlets:

Pan Temple.á Collect three lumps of Coal from the campfires in the Homes surrounding the Hell of Lesser Evils and place them on the western Charred Pedestal.á This opens the gate to the chest with the gauntlets.


DuelistÆs Grieves:

ááááááááááá Chest that Pirotase can unlock in OrsonÆs Office.


Ring of Influence:

ááááááááááá Returning the Tulip Chalice to the Armor Shoppe Owner.


Dark Silk (cloak):

ááááááááááá Solving the Gargoyle Eyes puzzle in the LairiaÆs Tower: Second Floor.


Guiding Light (sword):

ááááááááááá Given to you by Zachard for location an Artifact of the Ascension.



ááááááááááááááááááááááá Pirotase:

Ring of Forethought:

ááááááááááá Reward for Gong and Braziers puzzle.


ôSquire Leatherö:

ááááááááááá After you are shown to your room in the Paladin Barracks.


SniperÆs Touch (gloves):

Statue in the secret room in the DragonweaverÆs Pocket Dimension.áá Destroy the three red glowing statues hidden behind the three chests to open the portal to the secret room.


King BeldÆs Coronet:

Pirotase gets it after you ôfinishö King Beld by using Turn Undead after he begins to glow red.


PanÆs Heart (amulet):

Pan Temple.á Collect three lumps of Coal from the campfires in the Homes surrounding the Hell of Lesser Evils and place them on the eastern Charred Pedestal.á This opens the gate to the chest with the amulet.


Cloud Clan Slippers:

ááááááááááá Store room in the ThievesÆ Den.


Cloak of Concealment:

Pirotase finds this after you return from the store room in the ThievesÆ Den.


The Spider (bow):

5th hidden cocoon located in LairiaÆs Chamber in LairiaÆs Temple.á The cocoon is near the northeast corner.


ááááááááááááááááááááááá Arrow Reagents:

ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Coffin Nail:

ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá MummyÆs Tooth:

One of the sarcophagi guarded by a Lesser Mummy in the center of the Subterranean Burial Ground.


ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Holy Water:

Ask Trinah for this after you have passed the Paladin Initiation.


ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Spirit Bomb:

ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Dove Feathers:

Urn in DrudocÆs Estate behind a door you cannot unlock until you get the key from Drudoc.


ááááááááááá ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Demon Heart:

Pirotase obtains this from the corpse of the Lesser Vrock in the DragonweaverÆs pocket Dimension.


ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Ashwood:

Pirotase collects some from one of the Ashwood trees in the Demonic Dimension: Hell of Lesser Evils.


ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Thunderclap:

ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Ironwood:

Obtained from the Woodsman in his Home on the Road from Mooncrest.


ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Glowing Quartz:

Pirotase gathers some from a glowing blue pile of stones in the southwest corner of the Caves of the Corrupted.


ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Thunderbird Feathers:

Given to you by the boys for winning all three games of áááááááá Hide and Seek.


ááááááááááááááááááááááá Charms:

ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá DragonweaverÆs Charm:

ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Given to you by the Dragonweaver for turning off her Ylaem Machine.


ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá LairiaÆs Charm:

ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá Obtained from LairiaÆs corpse.